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2023 international auto industry top 10 news (Two)

Us "most stringent" fuel efficiency rules;It is opposed by car companies and dealers

In April, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the strictest vehicle emissions standards ever in an effort to accelerate the country's auto industry's transition to green, low-carbon transportation. 

The EPA estimates that electric vehicles will need to account for 60 percent of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States by 2030 and 67 percent by 2032. 

The new rules have raised a lot of objections. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation (AAI), a US auto industry group, has called on the EPA to lower the standards, saying its proposed new standards are too aggressive, unreasonable and unworkable. 

As demand for electric vehicles in the United States slows and inventories pile up, dealer frustration is growing. Recently, nearly 4,000 car dealers in the United States signed a letter to President Biden, asking for a slowdown in the pace of electric vehicle promotion, pointing to the above new rules issued by the EPA. 

Industry reshuffle accelerates;New powers fell one after another 

Under the background of global economic weakness, the new forces of car manufacturing are facing many problems such as market value shrinking, rising costs, litigation, brain drain and financing difficulties. 

On December 18, Nikola founder Milton, once the "first stock of hydrogen heavy trucks" and the "Tesla of the truck industry", was sentenced to four years in prison for securities fraud. Prior to this, Lordstown, a new power in the United States, filed for bankruptcy reorganization in June, and Proterra filed for bankruptcy protection in August. 

The shuffle is not over yet. Proterra will not be the last American electric vehicle company to fall, such as Faraday Future, Lucid, Fisco and other new forces in car manufacturing, also facing their own lack of hematopoietic capacity, delivery data bleak situation. In addition, the market value of self-driving startups in the United States has also plummeted, and General Motors' Cruise was suspended after a crash, and then fired nine senior executives and laid off employees to restructure.

A similar story is playing out in China. Everyone is familiar with Byton automobile, Singularity automobile, etc., has left the field, and a number of new car-making forces such as Tianji, Weima, Love Chi, self-travel home NIUTRON, and Reading have also been exposed to problems of poor management, and the industry reshuffle has become increasingly fierce.


Big AI models are booming;Hatchback intelligent revolution 

The application scenarios of AI large models are very rich and can be applied to many fields, such as intelligent customer service, smart home and automatic driving. 

At present, there are two main ways to get on the large model, one is self-research, and the other is to cooperate with technology companies. 

In terms of automotive intelligence, the application direction of large models is mainly focused on intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving, which is also the focus of car companies and user experience. 

However, large models still face a number of challenges, including data privacy and security issues, hardware configuration issues, and potentially ethical and regulatory issues. 

AEB standard pace acceleration;International coercion, domestic "war of words" 

In addition to the United States, many countries and regions such as Japan and the European Union are also promoting AEB to become standard. Back in 2016, 20 automakers voluntarily committed to federal regulators to equip all their passenger vehicles sold in the United States with AEB by September 1, 2022. 

In the Chinese market, AEB has also become a hot topic. According to the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, AEB, as an important active safety feature, has been implemented as standard in most new cars launched this year. With the gradual increase in vehicle ownership and the further emphasis on vehicle active safety, the requirements for AEB mandatory installation in the Chinese market will extend from the field of commercial vehicles to the field of passenger vehicles.


Middle East capital explodes to buy new power;Big oil and gas countries embrace new energy 

In recent years, under the general trend of "carbon reduction", Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other oil powers actively seek energy transformation, and put forward economic reform and transformation plans, aiming to reduce excessive dependence on traditional energy, develop clean and renewable energy, and promote economic diversification. In the transportation sector, electric vehicles are seen as an important part of the energy transition program. 

In June 2023, the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia and Chinese Express signed an agreement worth 21 billion Saudi riyals (about 40 billion yuan), and the two sides will establish a joint venture engaged in automotive research and development, manufacturing and sales; In mid-August, Evergrande Auto announced that it would receive the first strategic investment of $500 million from Newton Group, a listed company owned by the UAE's national sovereign fund. In addition, Skyrim Automobile and Xiaopeng Automobile have also received capital investment from the Middle East. In addition to vehicle companies, Middle East capital has also invested in China's intelligent driving, travel services and battery manufacturing companies.

Post time: Dec-29-2023