Guangdong Posung New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

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Find the optimal solution of low temperature for electric vehicle

Battle of wits with electric cars in winter

There are a lot of things to pay attention to when using an electric car in winter.For the problem of poor low temperature performance of electric vehicles,Car companies temporarily have no better way to change the status quo, the use of heat pump air conditioning to save energy is a good measure.

The fundamental reason for the poor low temperature performance of electric vehicles is that when the ambient temperature is too low, the viscosity of the power battery electrolyte increases or even partially solidified, the lithium ion drag and insertion movement is blocked, the conductivity is reduced, and the capacity is eventually reduced. At the same time, heating consumes more energy than cooling, and the efficiency of the power system is reduced. In addition, the decline in driving range accuracy is easy to cause consumers' mileage anxiety.

For the various problems of low-temperature driving of electric vehicles, in fact, the past many years have been more fully exposed. From the perspective of the development of electric vehicles, compared with the past, these problems have been solved better now, not as serious as before.

The Tesla Model 3 uses the waste heat of the electric drive system through the winding of the motor, just as the waste heat of the engine is used to heat the crew compartment in a traditional gasoline vehicle, so that it is used both for vehicle driving and for generating additional heat to heat the battery.


It's not just technical

Starting from the power battery to improve the low-temperature performance of electric vehicles, there is no problem in technology, but a choice issue. The fast charge, specific capacity and low temperature characteristics of the power battery can not be both.

The current situation is that when an electric car is tested according to road conditions, 50kWh of electric energy can run more than 400 kilometers, and it may only run 300 kilometers when it is actually used. If the low temperature characteristics are particularly good and the specific capacity is low, it means that the amount of electricity under the same power battery volume becomes less, which can be loaded with 50kWh electricity before and now can only be loaded with 40kWh electricity, and finally it can actually run 200 kilometers. Low temperature performance is done, it can not take into account other aspects, it is not cost-effective. It is very challenging to have good low temperature characteristics and high capacity, and now the industry is also adopting a variety of measures to achieve it.


Post time: Dec-15-2023