Guangdong Posung New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

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Hot Gas Bypass: Key to Improving Compressor Efficiency



1. What is "Hot Gas Bypass"? 

Hot gas bypass, also known as hot gas reflow or hot gas backflow, is a common technique in refrigeration systems. It refers to diverting a portion of the refrigerant flow to the suction side of the compressor to improve the efficiency and performance of the system. Specifically, hot gas bypass controls the compressor's suction valve to divert a portion of the refrigerant to the compressor's suction side, allowing a certain proportion of refrigerant to mix with the gas at the suction side, thereby optimizing the system's performance.

2. The role and significance of Hot Gas Bypass 

The hot gas bypass technology plays an important role in refrigeration systems and has several main functions and significance: 

Improving compressor efficiency: Hot gas bypass can reduce the temperature at the suction side, reducing the compressor's workload and improving its efficiency. This helps to extend the compressor's service life and reduce energy consumption. 

Improving system performance: By mixing a certain proportion of refrigerant at the suction side, the refrigeration system's cooling performance can be enhanced. This means the system can lower the temperature more quickly, improving its cooling capacity. 

Reducing compressor overheating: Hot gas bypass can effectively lower the working temperature of the compressor, preventing overheating. Overheating can lead to decreased compressor performance or even damage. 

Energy saving and emission reduction: By improving the efficiency of the refrigeration system, hot gas bypass helps to reduce energy consumption, thereby reducing the environmental impact. This aligns with the concept of sustainable development.


3. Two methods of hot gas bypass:

1) Direct bypass to the suction side of the compressor

2)Bypass to the inlet of the evaporator

Principle of Hot Gas Bypass to the Suction Side

The principle of hot gas bypass to the suction side involves the working process and gas circulation of the refrigeration system. Below, we will provide a detailed explanation of this principle.

A typical refrigeration system consists of a compressor, condenser, evaporator, and expansion valve. Its working principle is as follows:


The compressor draws in low-pressure, low-temperature gas and then compresses it to increase its temperature and pressure. 

The high-temperature, high-pressure gas enters the condenser, where it releases heat, cools down, and becomes a liquid. 

The liquid passes through the expansion valve, where it undergoes pressure reduction and becomes a low-temperature, low-pressure liquid-gas mixture. 

This mixture enters the evaporator, absorbs heat from the surroundings, and cools the environment. 

The cooled gas is then drawn back into the compressor, and the cycle repeats. 

The principle of hot gas bypass to the suction side involves controlling a bypass valve in step 5 to divert a portion of the cooled gas to the suction side of the compressor. This is done to lower the temperature at the suction side, reduce the compressor's workload, and improve system performance.






4. Methods to Prevent Compressor Overheating 

To prevent compressor overheating, the refrigeration system can adopt the following methods: 

Hot gas bypass technology: As mentioned earlier, hot gas bypass technology is an effective method to prevent compressor overheating. By controlling the suction valve, the temperature at the suction side can be adjusted to avoid overheating. 

Increase condenser heat dissipation area: Increasing the heat dissipation area of the condenser can improve the refrigeration system's heat dissipation efficiency and reduce the working temperature of the compressor. 

Regular maintenance and cleaning: Regular maintenance of the refrigeration system, cleaning of the condenser and evaporator, is essential to ensure their normal operation. A dirty condenser can lead to poor heat dissipation and increase the compressor's workload. 

Use of efficient refrigerants: Choosing efficient refrigerants can improve the system's cooling performance and reduce the load on the compressor.

Post time: Apr-11-2024