Guangdong Posung New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

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Research on the industry trends of electric cars in 2024 (1)

The era of highly competitive intelligent automobile industry has arrived, and the competition of technology and mass production capacity will become the main theme 

In the next few years, the intensity of competition in the intelligent automobile industry will intensify, which will test the technology and mass production capacity of car companies 

The penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China has reached 40% and is entering a transition stage from growth to maturity. 

Technological innovation is the focus of smart car competition in the next stage, and "technical capability" is the biggest selling point 

At present, smart cars have become a computing platform on four wheels, smart cars are experiencing the critical point of intelligent technology outbreak application, and "technological innovation" will become the key to the offensive force of car companies in the competition.

Under the background of frequent price wars and accelerated model iterations, strengthening "mass production capacity" is a necessary means to cope with high-intensity competition 

Improving mass production capacity is an important means to achieve cost reduction and efficiency to cope with fierce competition in the future.

"Lack of core" and technological competition promote the cultivation of local supply chains, and highly competitive industries brew long-term localization opportunities 

In 2020-2022, the global automotive industry experienced a "lack of core" crisis due to the new coronavirus epidemic and geopolitical black swan events.


Trend 1 :800V high voltage platform promotes ultra-fast charging and energy consumption revolution, becoming a watershed in the development of pure electricity

The 800V high voltage platform will bring ultra-fast charging and energy consumption revolution of new energy vehicles

800V is an effective means to improve fast charge speed, reduce energy consumption and reduce battery anxiety 

Increasing the fast charge power is mainly achieved by increasing the voltage and current.

The 800V high voltage platform also brings better energy consumption and performance, improving the overall cost performance of the model 

By upgrading the battery pack to match 800V, car companies can also achieve better battery life and charging speed by using smaller, cheaper and lighter batteries, and improve the cost performance of the vehicle. 

The 800V high voltage platform will become a watershed in the development of pure electricity, and 2024 will become the first year of the outbreak of technology 

"Endurance anxiety" is still the primary challenge for the penetration of new energy vehicles 

At present, whether the overall new energy owners or new power owners, "endurance" is the primary concern of their car purchase. 

Car companies actively layout 800V platform models and supporting supercharge layout, and 800V is expected to break out in large numbers in 2024 

At present, the new energy automobile industry is experiencing a large-scale outbreak of 800V models. 

Car companies actively layout 800V platform models and supporting supercharge layout, and 800V is expected to break out in large numbers in 2024 

At present, the new energy automobile industry is experiencing a large-scale outbreak of 800V models. Since the advent of Porsche TaycanTurboS, the world's first 800V platform mass production model, in 2019,800V platform models have begun to erupt in recent years due to fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market, prominent anxiety about replenishment, and the continuous maturity of the SiC industry.

Trend 2: Urban NOA leads to the "blackberry era" of intelligent driving, and intelligent driving has truly become a necessary consideration for car purchase

Urban NOA is the latest development stage of the current Level 2 assisted driving.Although NOA is L2 level autonomous driving technology, it is more advanced than the basic L2 level assisted driving and is called L2+ level autonomous driving.


Urban NOA can operate on complex urban roads and is the most advanced Level 2 driving assistance available today.

According to the classification of application scenarios,NOA pilotage driving assistance can be divided into high-speed NOA and urban NOA. There are differences between urban NOA and high-speed NOA in many aspects. The former is more advanced in technology, more powerful in assisting driving, and more complex in working scenarios, which belongs to the more advanced L2++ assisted driving. 

In terms of use functions, the functions of urban NOA are more diversified. In addition to this lane cruise with the car, overtaking lane change, around stationary vehicles or objects, it can also realize traffic light identification start and stop, autonomously signal lane change, avoid other traffic participants and other functions, can better adapt to the urban road environment and traffic conditions. 

In terms of technical principle, urban NOA has higher technical requirements than high-speed NOA. The application scenario of urban NOA is more complex, and more traffic signs, lines, pedestrians and other factors need to be considered, which requires a higher level of hardware, more accurate map data and higher computing power. 

The domestic intelligent driving market has broad prospects, and L2+ to L2++ level automatic driving is the main development level of intelligent driving in the next few years. In 2022, the market size of intelligent connected vehicle application services in China will reach 134.2 billion yuan, and with scientific and technological changes and technological upgrades, the market size is expected to expand year by year to 222.3 billion yuan in 2025.

The large-scale application of urban NOA will lead to the advent of the "blackberry era" in the intelligent driving industry.

Post time: Jan-12-2024