Guangdong Posung New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

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Thermal management system analysis: heat pump air conditioning will become the mainstream

New energy vehicle thermal management system operation mechanism
In the new energy vehicle, the electric compressor is mainly responsible for regulating the temperature in the cockpit and the temperature of the vehicle. The coolant flowing in the pipe cools the power battery, the electric motor control system in front of the car, and completes the cycle in the car. Heat is transferred through the flowing liquid, and the heat cycle of the vehicle is achieved by adjusting the valve flow rate to balance the temperature during the supercooling or overheating.
After combing through the subdivided parts, we found that the components with higher value are electric compressors, battery cooling plates, and electronic water pumps.
In the proportion of the value of each part, the cockpit thermal management accounts for nearly 60%, and the battery thermal management accounts for nearly 30%. Motor thermal management accounts for the least, accounting for 16% of the vehicle value.
Heat pump system VS PTC heating system: Integrated heat pump air conditioning will become mainstream
There are two main technical routes for cockpit air conditioning systems: PTC heating and heat pump heating. Both have advantages and disadvantages, PTC low temperature working conditions heating effect is good, but power consumption. The heat pump air conditioning system has poor heating capacity at low temperature and good power saving effect, which can effectively improve the winter endurance of new energy vehicles.
In terms of heating principle, the essential difference between the PTC system and the heat pump system is that the heat pump system uses refrigerant to absorb heat from outside the car, while the PTC system uses water circulation to heat the car. Compared with the PTC heater, the heat pump air conditioning system involves technical difficulties such as gas-liquid separation during heating, refrigerant flow pressure control, and technical barriers and difficulties are significantly higher than that of the PTC heating system.
The refrigeration and heating of the heat pump air conditioning system are all based on the electric compressor and adopt a set of systems. In the PTC heating mode, the PTC heater is the core, and in the refrigeration mode, the electric compressor is the core, and two different system modes are operated. Therefore, the heat pump air conditioning mode is specific and the integration degree is higher.
In terms of heating efficiency, in order to obtain 5kW of output heat, the electric heater needs to consume 5.5kW of electric energy due to resistance loss. A system with a heat pump requires only 2.5kW of electricity. The compressor compresses the refrigerant using electrical energy to produce the desired output heat in the heat pump heat exchanger.
Electric compressor: The highest value in thermal management systems, home appliance manufacturers compete to enter

The most valuable component of the entire vehicle thermal management system is the electric compressor. It is mainly divided into swash plate type, rotary vane type and scroll type. In new energy vehicles, scroll compressors are widely used, which have the advantages of low noise, low mass and high efficiency.

In the process from fuel driven to electric driven, the home appliance industry has a technical accumulation of research on electric compressors, competing to enter the bureau, and successively layout the field of new energy vehicles.

As to Japan and South Korea's market share accounted for more than 80%. Only a few domestic enterprises such as Posung can produce scroll compressors for cars, and the domestic replacement space is large.

According to EV-Volumes data, the global sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2021 is 6.5 million, and the global market space is 10.4 billion yuan.

According to the data of the China Automobile Association, China's new energy vehicle production in 2021 is 3.545 million, and the market space is about 5.672 billion yuan according to the value of 1600 yuan per unit.

Post time: Sep-21-2023